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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some doors slam shut, but this brain keeps on working!


I must admit: I haven't been struggling in the freelancing jungle for a very long time. I had tried before, but I think this is the first time I actually plunged into it with the right mindset.
And what mindset is that? The one that doesn't take no for an answer.

One thing is to have a loose relationship with a couple of magazines and websites for some free articles every month, while you're living with your parents. Being proactive, pitching texts and articles for a living, now, that's something entirely different...and hard.
It's like moving onto the next level of a platform game, and getting stuck with the first boss you find when you cross the line. Or, more down-to-earth, like going to endless job interviews, and getting the enlightened "We'll call you." answer.
I can say the later example is also a reality in my life, as we speak.

It's been almost a month since I signed up for Elance, Get a Freelancer and similar websites, and what have I gotten so far? Well, lots of no’s, some maybes and a yes.
For an impatient person like me, this is horrible but I’m into this personal project with the right mindset. I know very well that it is hard to get paid jobs as a writer, especially if you are writing in a language that isn’t your own. I mean, I could write all I wanted in Portuguese, that I’d get the same amount of negative answers as I get right now and I don’t really think it happens because I suck at it.
It’s the way things are: it’s more realistic to expect that more doors will slam shut on you, than doors will open wide for you to go through.

When I'm feeling really down, and almost to the point of giving up and taking a full-time job, I think about J. K. Rowling.
Her personal story is an inspiration to me, because it's the story of a life of an ordinary one-of-us who kept going, and look at what she has acomplished.
In a few words, Harry Potter was "born" when she was unemployed - or doing odd jobs, I'm not sure -, a character she wrote about in notebooks, while sitting in cafes and in public transportation.
He wasn't meant to be the most famous wizard from Hogwarts - he, and his adventures, were a means for J.K. Rowling to do what she loved to do, and to forget the hardships she was living in.
When she sent it to a publisher, she got refused. She received at least 10 letters saying that her story wasn't good enough, until someone thought otherwise and gave her a chance.
Right now, when a Harry Potter book is about to be published, there are literally riots the bookstores; people spend the night in the street, wanting to be the first to buy the first edition of her books.
And I think to myself, damn! she must be really happy!
It's not just about the money - it's about the love you have for words. I understand that completely...

So, what's in my mind right now? Many things...

  •  An investigation article about depression: I've been thinking about this for a very long time, as I've suffered from depression for a very long time; it impaired my life for almost three years and maybe if people around me knew more about this illness, things out have worked out differently for me, as a person. I'm interviewing a psychologist and a psychiatrist; I want to interview patients as well, and do some research on statistics. 
  • A reportage about Murcia: this is a simple task. I live here, and I like travelling. So, the angle is very simple: If I was coming to Murcia for the first time, what would I like to see?
  • An investigation article about the immigrants' situation in Spain: As we all know very well, in recent years, Spain became the destination for many emigrants from Europe and other countries around the world. And, as we unfortunately know, there is an economic crisis happening as we speak. I'd like to interview some immigrants, to tell their stories; past present and future.
  • How European are you?: This idea stemmed from a conversation I had six years ago with an Austrian friend, while we were in the Netherlands doing an exchange program. I'm not really revealing much about it, because I think the result is going to be really cool :-)
  • The Jukebox Kids: This is something else. It's an idea for an autobiographical novel, based upon my personal experiences as a teenager in the 90's Lisbon. God, I miss those years... I'll be shedding some tears writing this one.
Other than this, I'll be waiting to see if the maybes become positive answers, and I'm always available for project proposals. And for knocking on every door to see what happens too.

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